This Week's RED HOT Celebrity Birthday (2/1 - 2/7)

This Week's RED HOT Celebrity Birthday (2/1 - 2/7)
Eddie Bracken, best known for his role as Walley World owner Roy Walley in NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION would be celebrating his 95th birthday on February 7th were it not for his death in 2002. The Montclair, NJ resident and star of radio, screen and stage, Bracken died several months after his wife/actress, Connie, passed away. if you make it to Heaven, be sure to check out Eddie and wife Connie in the highly entertaining BACK IN BRACKEN, a true favorite with the elderly deceased.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back Log: What Irritates Mr. Erzblock This Week (2/25 - 3/2)

The outspoken Billy O is at it again, and this time he's INFURIATED me! Speaking about Michelle Obabma's recent remark that "for the first time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my country," the FOX News Channel host of THE O'REILLY FACTOR, stated, "I don't want to go on a lynching party against Michelle Obama unless there's evidence, hard facts, that say this is how the woman really feels. If that's how she really feels - that is a bad country or a flawed nation, whatever - then that's legit. We'll track it down." Thank you "Big Brother" O'Reilly for looking out for our nation's best interest, making sure that a Democratic senator/possible presidential nominee's wife's words are cleansed by your NO SPIN ZONE's spin cycle. You pompous ass, giving a residential name (the NO SPIN ZONE) to the space in which your behavior occurs. Hey Bill, have you created a zip code for this zone, which getting back to your response to Mrs. Obama's words, clearly exists in 1950's rural Mississippi. First a dimwitted golf reporter using the word "lynch" in the same sentence with Tiger Woods' name, now this! When speaking about a Jewish public figure's verbal "misstep," will you say, "I don't want to gas this person at Auschwitz, but if this comment turns out to be true, we'll get our storm troopers after 'em." Don't let me down, Bill; keep up the good work!

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