This Week's RED HOT Celebrity Birthday (2/1 - 2/7)

This Week's RED HOT Celebrity Birthday (2/1 - 2/7)
Eddie Bracken, best known for his role as Walley World owner Roy Walley in NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION would be celebrating his 95th birthday on February 7th were it not for his death in 2002. The Montclair, NJ resident and star of radio, screen and stage, Bracken died several months after his wife/actress, Connie, passed away. if you make it to Heaven, be sure to check out Eddie and wife Connie in the highly entertaining BACK IN BRACKEN, a true favorite with the elderly deceased.

Monday, February 11, 2008

BACK LOG: What Irritates Mr. Erzblock This Week (2/4 - 2/10)

I thought I wasn't going to be irritated this week because I received a prescription for a new medication from my doctor. This pill was supposed to make me less irate, but when I went to pick up the prescription, I noticed that the plastic cap on the medication--the easy-off cap I've come to know for the past couple of decades--was usurped by an inferior topper that was covered with instructions on how to open it. "It's not like I got any kids at home," I told my pharmacist when he sold me the whole safety song. Apparently, the old caps are hard to come by because of pharmacies' fears of being sued, but that doesn't help me! I've never procreated (not to my knowledge) or adopted for that matter; since I won't know the comfort of having my own loving, biological brood doting on me in my old age, I think I've earned the right to having comfort in the form of an easy-to-open cap on a prescription vial.

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