This Week's RED HOT Celebrity Birthday (2/1 - 2/7)

This Week's RED HOT Celebrity Birthday (2/1 - 2/7)
Eddie Bracken, best known for his role as Walley World owner Roy Walley in NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION would be celebrating his 95th birthday on February 7th were it not for his death in 2002. The Montclair, NJ resident and star of radio, screen and stage, Bracken died several months after his wife/actress, Connie, passed away. if you make it to Heaven, be sure to check out Eddie and wife Connie in the highly entertaining BACK IN BRACKEN, a true favorite with the elderly deceased.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Carlin's Death: It Was Written In The Eyes

I've written about Jack Lemmon's eyes before, specifically about how their weak, rheumy appearance foretold his death like Caesar's soothsayer exclaiming, "Beware the Eyes of Mar!" Sadly, another comedian's demise has also come by way of the eyes: George Carlin.

* Carlin's once piercing eyes (bottom pic) became inferior in his old age. At a recent event in Beverly Hills, CA last month, the iconic comedian and father of the "7 Dirty Words" routine was sporting frail peepers (top pic) to the photogs.

I provided you, my faithful readers, ocular evidence when Jack Lemmon passed away; I can only hope that you all will make a concerted effort to look into the eyes of your fellow men and women, urging them to seek immediate medical attention should they exhibit those ominous cloud-filled eyes.

* Ahhh, if only Jack Lemmon had someone to look into his eyes! Who wouldn't want to have seen Grumpiest Old Men?

My observations about the eyes are made more explicit by the people at, an organization whose advice should be heeded:
"Normal, healthy eyes should be strong, clear, alert and full of expression. When they are dull, weak or lacking in expression, we may be sure there is something physically or mentally wrong with their possessor Everyone has noted the meaningless expression in the eyes of the drunkard—how they roll about in a heavy, lustreless way in their sockets. This sufficiently demonstrates the intimate relationship between the eyes and the general nervous system. Indeed, it may be said that the eyes are a fair indication of the condition of the stomach and of the whole system. Excessive eating, drinking, smoking, worrying or other debilitating practices are sure to be recorded sooner or later in these delicate and sensitive structures."
Be well,

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