This Week's RED HOT Celebrity Birthday (2/1 - 2/7)

This Week's RED HOT Celebrity Birthday (2/1 - 2/7)
Eddie Bracken, best known for his role as Walley World owner Roy Walley in NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION would be celebrating his 95th birthday on February 7th were it not for his death in 2002. The Montclair, NJ resident and star of radio, screen and stage, Bracken died several months after his wife/actress, Connie, passed away. if you make it to Heaven, be sure to check out Eddie and wife Connie in the highly entertaining BACK IN BRACKEN, a true favorite with the elderly deceased.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

This Week's Separated At Birth (1/19 - 1/25)

Thanks to the fine folks at dlisted for this pic of Amy Casa de Vino on vaycay in St. Lucia, a shot actually taken by a photog from England's Sun. Am I the only one asking, "And I was oddly attracted to her dirtiness, complete with heroin tracks, overly mascared raccoon eyes, and three-day worn panties?"
If that's true, I must also have the hots for Tim Curry as Dr. Frankenfurter, the star of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Yuk! Can you say, The Crying Game? Sweet Jesus, gimme some turpentine to clean my tainted flesh!
P.S. Thank you MK for covering Amy's molehills with pictures of her hubby, Blake.

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