This Week's RED HOT Celebrity Birthday (2/1 - 2/7)

This Week's RED HOT Celebrity Birthday (2/1 - 2/7)
Eddie Bracken, best known for his role as Walley World owner Roy Walley in NATIONAL LAMPOON'S VACATION would be celebrating his 95th birthday on February 7th were it not for his death in 2002. The Montclair, NJ resident and star of radio, screen and stage, Bracken died several months after his wife/actress, Connie, passed away. if you make it to Heaven, be sure to check out Eddie and wife Connie in the highly entertaining BACK IN BRACKEN, a true favorite with the elderly deceased.

Monday, October 1, 2007

This Week's Separated at Birth (10/1 - 10/7)

Dennis Kucinich, the 6-term Ohio Congressman and perennial presidential nominee for the Dems who has failed to realize that he IS NOT presidential, resembles everyone's favorite cartoon elf, Ernie Keebler. In fact, the 61-year-old Kucinich has prevented his hair from turning "Leslie Nielsen" white due to his fear of being compared to wee Ernie.

1 comment:

Z. Madison said...

Jack Wagner! YES!!! Frisco (& Felicia) forever.